Git Is Not Github

Wassup guys!

Most people tend to use the words GIT and GITHUB interchangeably and get them confused which is quite wrong

GIT is a VERSION CONTROL software, i.e. It tracks changes to a set of files over time

GITHUB is an online code repository hosting service

You can essentially think of GitHub as

  • The repository that Git makes that tracks the changes in files every time

  • The online interface that hosts this changes online for people to see, Pull down and contribute to. While the underlying Software used in GitHub repository providing service is Git

GitHub is the most popular open source repository hosting platform as it is entirely free, transparent and easy to use.

Simple Illustration

Just like

  • MacOS runs Apple Devices
  • WindowsOS runs Microsoft Devices
  • GIT runs GITHUB repository service

Note: GIT is not an Operating System ( Lol ), Hope you got the point.
