Article - Woo-commerce Etsy Integration, How to do it

Do you know you can seamlessly integrate your Etsy shop into your Woo-commerce store to give you more selling leverage and access to more E-commerce features?

The Woo-commerce Etsy integration is a plugin that allows you to sell your products on Etsy shop on your WooCommerce website which automatically enables the synchronization of order requests, transactions and inventory between Etsy and WooCommerce in realtime.

In this Article, We highlight concise steps to enable this integration.

  • Why Integrate your Etsy Shop with Woocommerce?

  • How to integrate your Etsy Shop with woocommerce

  1. Install and activate the WordPress Etsy plugin

  2. Syncing Etsy with Woocommerce

    1. Order Configuration

    2. Etsy Sync Configuration

    3. Etsy Shop Connection

  3. Login To your Etsy Account

    1. Authorization
  4. Successful Connection

  5. One More thing!

  1. Install and Activate the Plugin

Woocommerce Etsy integration can be installed and activated from the WordPress plugin directory.

To install the plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, Navigate to Plugins >> Add New

Locate the search bar at the top right and type “ Woocommerce Etsy “. The Woocommerce Etsy integration plugin will appear on the search result, click on the Install Now button next to the plugin name to install the plugin

Once the installation is complete, the button changes to Activate, Click on this Activate button to activate the Plugin

2. Syncing Etsy with Woocommerce

After the Activation of the plugin, An automated setting wizard will be displayed showing you the various steps needed to sync Etsy with Woocommerce

  • Order Configuration:

You will be asked to select suitable configurations for order and inventory synchronization and its attributes which will overwrite your Etsy product attributes by woo commerce product attributes

The first step in this sync process is the “Order and Inventory Sync Selection“ where you select Enable inventory sync and choose an Order Set Interval from the selection

Click on Proceed to Next step

  • Etsy Sync Configuration:

On the next slide, it takes you to the “ Etsy Sync Configuration “ where you will select attributes that will overwrite the Etsy products once you update the products in woocommerce

Check the boxes of the attributes that you want, any unchecked box will prevent its update and help you maintain the difference between the two sites

After checking the boxes of the attributes you want to be updated, click on Proceed to Next Step.

  • Etsy Shop Connection

The next Screen confirms your selection by asking you to connect to your Etsy shop, click on the Connect your Etsy Shop button to connect.

3. Login to your Etsy Shop

After clicking the button, it redirects you to the Etsy Website where you will be asked to log in to your Etsy account, Input your login details or log in through the different login possibilities provided.

  • Authorization

After a Successful Login, Etsy will seek your authorization, By telling you that an “Application would like to connect your Account “, Click on Grant Access

Once the Access is granted, It shows the below notification to confirm the successful integration

4. Successful integration

After the Successful integration, it redirects you to your WordPress dashboard, where it will automatically add your Etsy Shop to the list of directories on your dashboard

You can then subsequently make changes as you deem fit to your Etsy Shop on your WordPress dashboard and start selling!

5. One More Thing!

Once the integration is completed, You can from your WordPress dashboard adjust the settings to suit your preference and your selling audience on both platforms.

You can also do the following Etsy functions on your WordPress dashboard

  • Create New Feeds

  • Manage Feeds

  • Variation profiling

  • View uploaded listings

  • View your Etsy Orders

  • And Shipping Configuration

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